El bou

At the Corpus festivities in Vic in the 17th century, there was a wooden ox, symbolizing Saint Luke the Evangelist.

This testimonial figure had the function of clearing the way through the procession with fireworks, rockets, dances, and spewing fire.

Between 1832 and 1852, the Ox and the Head of Llúpia shared the task of clearing the way for the giants, a deeply rooted tradition among the people of Vic. The Ox, very popular among children, was “bullfought” by the kids, thus emulating the strong tradition of bull-running in the city. Despite the subsequent disappearance of the Ox, a privately owned one survived, which was rented by the hour. In 2007, during the Medieval Market of Vic, the figure of the Ox was recovered and currently participates in the Festa Major and Corpus exits.

The Ox is carried by the Ox bearers group.
