Els gegants de la ciutat

The first documented mention of a giant in Vic dates back to 1658, specifically the giantess, owned by the guild of tailors in Vic. In 1664, the giant appears for the first time, associated with the guild of carriers in Vic.

According to mossèn Gudiol, the first giant in the city appeared in 1493, although no firm document has been found to prove it. However, in other similar towns, it was common for the giant to arrive first and the giantess decades or centuries later, which suggests that there is still information to be discovered.

In the city, for many centuries, there have been two pairs of giants: those of the city hall and the giant of the guild of carriers and the giantess of the guild of tailors.

The giants you see here on display date from 1862. On the occasion of the celebrations for the canonization of Saint Michael of the Saints, the patron saint of this city, this pair of giants was commissioned to the Barcelona sculptor José Galzeran. They arrived dressed as Moors and remained so until 1891. Then new costumes were commissioned from the designer Josep Puig-Garí. These costumes were worn until 1920, the year in which the giants recovered, for a decade, the Moorish clothing. In 1930, they began to be dressed as counts of Osona, a costume that has been maintained until today. These giants are carried by the Giants of the City of Vic.
